Akad. R'in Dr. Carolin Gebauer
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!!! Book Club for Students !!!
Students who are interested in reading and sharing thoughts on newly published Anglophone fiction are cordially invited to join the CCCL Book Club. For more information, click here.
Short CV
Carolin Gebauer is Lecturer in British Literature and Culture and a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Narrative Research. Her research focuses on contemporary British and Anglophone fiction, historical and contemporary representations of mobility across media, storytelling as cultural practice, and transdisciplinary narrative research as well as migration and mobility studies. Dr. Gebauer is part of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project "Crises as OPPORTUNITIES: Towards a Level Telling Field on Migration and a New Narrative of Successful Integration," which explores representations of migration in the European public sphere. She is the author of the award-winning monograph Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel (De Gruyter, 2021) and a member of the executive team of DIEGESIS, a bilingual interdisciplinary e-journal dedicated to narrative research. In October 2021, Dr. Gebauer became a research fellow of the Young ZiF of the Center for Interdsiciplinary Research at the University of Bielefeld. Since January 2024, she has also been a postdoctoral fellow ("Junges Kolleg") at the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.
Current Projects (Selection)
- Habilitation project: "Narrating Mobility: A History of British Culture from the Restoration to Brexit"
- Horizon 2020 Project: “Crises as OPPORTUNITIES: Towards a Level Telling Field on Migration and a New Narrative of Successful Integration”
- Mobility, Agency, Kinship: Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan (edited volume in preparation with Lea Espinoza Garrido and Julia Wewior)
- Co-chair of the Narrative Research Group, a forum for postdocs and (post-)graduate students affiliated with Wuppertal’s Center for Narrative Research
- Co-producer and co-host of the N4SJ podcast
- Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel. Berlin und Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2021.
- winner of the Barbara Perkins and George Perkins Prize 2023
- winner of the ESSE Book Award for Junior Scholars in the field of Literatures in the English Language 2022
- winner of the FABU dissertation prize of the University of Wuppertal 2021
- reviewed by Alexander Scherr in Anglia 140.3-4 (2022)
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
- European Narratives on Migration: Concepts and Case Studies. Special Issue of DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 12.2 (winter 2023), with Marco Caracciolo and Roy Sommer
- “Nomadworld: Global Mobility and the New Anglophones,” section in the proceedings of the Anglistentag 2022 in Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 35.1 (spring 2024), with Pavan Malreddy and Jan Rupp
- Mobility, Agency, Kinship: Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, with Lea Espinoza Garrido and Julia Wewior)
Editorial Work for DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research
- DIEGESIS 13.1 (2024): “ Narrated Feelings,” with Nina Doejen, Matthias Grüne, and Christian Klein
- DIEGESIS 12.2 (2023): “European Narratives on Migration: Concepts and Case Studies,” with Nina Doejen, Matthias Grüne, and Christian Klein
- DIEGESIS 12.1 (2023): “Trust and Narratives of Crisis and Catastrophe,” with Nina Doejen, Matthias Grüne, and Christian Klein
- DIEGESIS 11.2 (2022): “Narratives between Attention and Mind-Wandering,” with Nina Doejen, Matthias Grüne, and Christian Klein
- DIEGESIS 11.1 (2022): “Kollektiverzählungen in Zeiten der Pandemie / Narrating Communities in Times of Pandemic,” with Matthias Grüne and Christian Klein
- DIEGESIS 10.1 (2021): “Warum Narratologie? / Why Narratology?” with Matthias Grüne, Nina Janz, and Christian Klein
- DIEGESIS 9.2 (2020): “Erzähltheorie und Anthropozän / Narrative Theory and the Anthropocene,” with Luisa Banki, Matthias Grüne, and Laura Wiemer
- DIEGESIS 9.1 (2020): “Zukunft erzählen / Narrating the Future,” with Luisa Banki, Matthias Grüne, and Laura Wiemer
- DIEGESIS 8.2 (2019): “Erzählen und digitale Identität / Narrative and Digital Identity,” with Luisa Banki, Wolf Christoph Seifert, and Laura Wiemer
- DIEGESIS 8.1 (2019): “Wirklichkeit erzählen im Comic / Narrating Reality in Comics,” with Luisa Banki and Wolf Christoph Seifert
- DIEGESIS 7.2 (2018): “Glaubensgeschichten / Narratives of Faith,” with Luisa Banki and Wolf Christoph Seifert
- DIEGESIS 7.1 (2018): “Krankheit erzählen II: interdisziplinär / Illness Narratives II: Non-Fiction,” with Luisa Banki and Wolf Christoph Seifert
- DIEGESIS 6.2 (2017): “Krankheit erzählen I: Literatur / Illness Narratives I: Fiction,” with Luisa Banki and Wolf Christoph Seifert
- DIEGESIS 6.1 (2017): “Erzählen und Wissen / Narration and Knowledge,” with Wolf Christoph Seifert
- DIEGESIS 5.2 (2016): “Strategisches Erzählen / Strategic Storytelling,” with Wolf Christoph Seifert and Antonius Weixler
- DIEGESIS 5.1 (2016): “Empirical Approaches to Narrative,” with Antonius Weixler
- DIEGESIS 4.2 (2015): “Erzählen und Wahrheit / Narrative and Truth,” with Filippo Smerilli and Antonius Weixler
Articles and Book Chapters
- “Politics of Mobility and Mental Health: Representations of Refugeedom in the Mini-Series Stateless (2020).” In: Poetics of Disturbances: Narratives of Non-Normative Bodies and Minds, edited by Deborah de Muijnck, Jessica Jumpertz, Ralf Schneider und Teresa Turnbull. Leiden and Boston: Brill (to be published in 2023).
- with Pavan Malreddy and Jan Rupp: “Nomadworld: Global Mobility and the New Anglophones.” Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 35.1 (2024): 9-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33675/ANGL/2024/1/5.
- “German Welcome Culture Then and Now: How Crisis Narration Can Foster (Contested) Solidarity with Refugees.” DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 12.2 (2023): 92-116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25926/fjtg-wr87.
- with Birgit Bahtić-Kunrath: “Narratives of Crisis vs. Narratives of Solidarity: Analyzing Discursive Shifts in Austrian Media Coverage of Refugee Movements from an Interdisciplinary Perspective.” DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 12.2 (2023): 34-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25926/790c-b761.
- with Marco Caracciolo and Roy Sommer: "Migration and Narrative Ecologies: Public and Media Discourse in the EU." DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 12.2 (2023): 1-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25926/xdz8-td15.
- “‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’ in the Age of Post-Democracy: (Self-)Representations of the Super-Rich in British Media.” In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures 30.1 (2023): 37-57.
- “Digital Times: The Present-Tense Novel as a Response to Digitization and Social Acceleration.” In: ADAM Arts 3 (2023): 65-83.
- “Reframing Migration in a Globalised World: Representations of Mobility in Dina Nayeri’s Refuge (2017) and Xiaolu Guo’s A Lover’s Discourse (2020).” In: The Anglophone Novel in the 21st Century: Cultural Contexts – Literary Developments – Model Interpretations, edited by Nadia Butt, Ansgar Nünning und Alexander Scherr, 83-100. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2023.
- with Roy Sommer: “Beyond Vicarious Storytelling: How Level-Telling Fields Help Create a Fair Narrative on Migration.” In: Open Research Europe 3.10 (2023). 1-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12688/openreseurope.15434.1.
- “Imagining Posthuman Environments after the Anthropocene: The Function of Space in Climate Change Fiction.” In: Narrating Nonhuman Spaces: Form, Story and Experience Beyond Anthropocentrism, edited by Marco Caracciolo, David Rodriguez, and Marlene Marcussen, 104-124. London and New York: Routledge, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003181866.
- “Dreading the Future: The Ethical Implications of Contemporary Speculative Fiction.” In: DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 9.1 (2020). 20-38. URN: http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20200618-090700-4.
- “When Does a Narrator Speak? The Nexus between ‘Voice’ and Tense Usage in Narrative Fiction.” In: (Un‑)Gleichzeitigkeiten, edited by Carmen Ulrich, 143-166. München: iudicium, 2018.
Reviews, Conference Reports, and Lexicon Entries
- “Naturalizing the Loki Principle. Brian Richardson Explores the Narrative Dynamics of Experimental Fiction.” In: DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 10.1 (2021). 101-108. [Review of: Brian Richardson. A Poetics of Plot for the Twenty-First Century: Theorizing Unruly Narratives. Columbus, OH 2019].
- “John Lanchester: The Wall.” In: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (eds.): Kindlers Literaturlexikon. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2021.
- “Review of Ulla Rahbek. 2019. British Multicultural Literature and Superdiversity. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.” In: Anglia: Journal of English Philology 139.1 (2021). 266-270.
- “A Case for the Narrative Present: Irmtraud Huber Explores the Literary Potential of Contemporary Present-Tense Narration.” In: DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 6.1 (2017). 99-104. [Review of: Irmtraud Huber: Present-Tense Narration in Contemporary Fiction: A Narratological Overview. London: Macmillan, 2016].
- “Von narratologies zu narratology – der Beginn einer neuen Phase in der postklassischen Erzählforschung? Jan Alber und Monika Fludernik kartographieren die postklassische Narratologie.” In: DIEGESIS: Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung / Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 2.1 (2013). 142-147. [Review of: Jan Alber and Monika Fludernik (eds.). Postclassical Narratology: Approaches and Analyses. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP, 2010].
- “Postclassical Narratology: Cultural, Historical, and Cognitive Aspects of Narrative Theory.” In: DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 2.2 (2013). 136-148. [Conference report on the 4th graduate forum ‘Narratology’ on the topic of “Postclassical Narratology: Cultural, Historical, and Cognitive Aspects of Narrative Theory,” University of Wuppertal, 23-25 June 2013].
Talks (Selection)
- “Narrative Mobility Studies: Towards a New Research Paradigm,” Contemporary Narrative Theory Panel at the International Conference for the Study of Narrative, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 17-19 April 2024. [You can download the handout here.]
- “Framing Migration: How a Politics of Mobility Shapes Narrative Ecologies,” Conference on “Narrative, Cognition, Culture,” Graduate Center for the Study of Culture, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 6-8 December 2023.
- “Narrating the Present in an Age of Global Crisis: Suggestions for a Dialogue between Conjunctural and Narratological Analysis,” Workshop “Cultural Studies Now – Thinking ‘Conjuncturally,’” Dresden University of Technology, 27-28 October 2023.
- “Reframing Migration in the Twenty-First Century: Representations of Mobility in Anglophone
Postcolonial Fiction,” GMHC-T2M Annual Conference, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea, 25-28 October 2023. - “The Mobilizing Power of Storytelling: Representations of Migration in Narrative Fiction,” Narrative Matters Conference 2023, University of Tampere, Finland, 15-17 June 2023.
- “Calvino and European Postmodernism,” guest talk in the lecture “20th Century Literature in English” (invited by Luc Herman and Olga Beloborodova), Antwerp University, Belgium, 11 May 2023.
- “Crossing Boundaries in Nineteenth-Century Gothic Fiction: Negotiations of Mobility in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein,” Workshop on “Narratives of Mobility in the Anthropocene,” Ghent University, Belgium, 2-3 May 2023.
- “Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures,” guest talk in the lecture “English Literature II: Historical Survey – More Recent Periods” (invited by Marco Caracciolo), Ghent University, Belgium, 27 April 2023.
- Book Presentation of Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel, Literary Studies Workshop (invited by Marco Caracciolo and Louise Benson James), Ghent University, Belgium, 25 April 2023.
- “(Im-)Mobilizing Readers: On Chronotopes of Crisis and Present-Tense Narration,” International Conference on the Study of Narrative, Dallas, TX, 1-4 March 2023.
- with Horst Lohnstein: “Zu Form und Funktion des Tempus Präsens in Erzähltexten,” 2nd Workshop on “Grammatik und Narratologie,” University of Wuppertal, 27 January 2023.
- with Mariam Muwanga and Roy Sommer: “Crises as Opportunities? Europe and Migration in 2015/2022 – A Horizon 2020 Project,” „Interculturally Connected Experts“ PhD Roundtable of the School of Humanities, University of Wuppertal, 10 January 2023.
- “Fremdschicksale verstehen: Das Verhältnis von Erzählen und Empathie am Beispiel von Migrationsnarrativen,” guest talk in the seminar “Poetik des Mitleids: Empathie in Literatur und Kultur von Aristoteles bis Milo Rau” (invited by Saskia Fischer), Leibnitz University Hannover, 28 November 2022.
- “From Behn to Dickens: A Short History of Tense Alternation in the English Novel,” Conference of the European Society for the Study of English, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, 29 August – 2 September 2022.
- “Narratives on and Narratives of Migration: A Generic Typology“, International Conference on the Study of Narrative, University of Chichester, UK, 27-30 June 2022.
- “Heimweh und Nostalgie: Zum Verhältnis von Erinnerung und Lokalität im zeitgenössischen englischsprachigen Migrationsroman,” Lecture Series of the Student Council of the School of Humanities on the topic of “Erinnerung und Regionalität,” University of Wuppertal, 26 January 2022.
- “Narratives of/on Migration,” Brownbag Lunch of the Center for Narrative Research, University of Wuppertal, 6 January 2022.
- “Super-Villains or Idealists? Representations of the Super-Rich in the British Public Sphere,” Annual Conference of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures on “Investigating the Super-Rich: Representations of Great Wealth in British Cultures,” Leipzig University, online conference, 18-19 November 2021.
- “Literary Form in the Digital Age: The Present-Tense Novel as a Response to Digitization and Social Acceleration,” 6th International Conference of the European Narratology Network, RISEBA, University of Applied Science, Riga, Latvia, online conference, 15-16 September 2021.
- “Sharing the Experience of Refugeedom: Embodied Narration in Contemporary Refugee Narratives,” International Online-Workshop on the topic of “Moved by Movement in Novels: Phenomenological Approaches,” Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, 09-10 September 2021.
- “Forms of Social Life in the Anthropocene: Investigating Narrative Representations of Migrant Communities in Climate Change Fiction,” International Conference on the Study of Narrative, online conference, 19-23 May 2021.
- “A Case for Slow Telling and Slow Reading: Negotiating Slowness in the Present-Tense Novel,” International Conference on the Study of Narrative, New Orleans, LA, 4-7 March 2020.
- “The Nexus between Time and Tense: Notes for a Poetics of Present-Tense Narration,” 9th Graduate Forum ‘Narratology,’ “Current Trajectories in Narrative Research,” University of Wuppertal, 27-28 September 2019.
- “The Narrative Present in Archimedean Contexts: Present-Tense Narration and the Anthropocene Novel,” guest talk in the lecture “The Slow Novel: Towards a Theory and History of Archimedian Fiction” (invited by Roy Sommer), University of Wuppertal, 16 May 2019.
- “Fostering ‘Ecological Thought’: Exploring the Ethical Dimension of Anthropocene Fiction,” International Conference on the Study of Narrative, Pamplona, Spain, 30-31 May and 1 June 2019.
- “Narrating (in) the Here-and-Now: Narrative Dynamics in the Present-Tense Novel,” guest talk in the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform (invited by Maria Dorr), Goethe University Frankfurt, 19 June 2018.
- “Narrating (in) the Here-and-Now: Chronotopes in the Present-Tense Novel,” International Conference on the Study of Narrative, Montréal, Kanada, 18-22 April 2018.
- “Nature as the Human Enemy: The Function of Space in Post-Apocalyptic Climate Change Fiction,” Workshop on “Describing Nonhuman Spaces,” Ghent University, Belgium, 1-2 December 2017.
- “Narrative Tense, Time, and Cognition: A Cognitive Approach to Present-Tense Narration,” 2nd Graduate Forum of the Graduate School GRK 1767 ‘Faktuales und fiktionales Erzählen’ of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and the Narrative Research Group of the Center for Narrative Research at the University of Wuppertal, “Erzählen im Wandel: Den Fokus verschieben,” Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, 27-28 October 2017.
- “‘Feigned’ or ‘Genuine’ Synchronicity? Exploring the Relation between Simultaneous and Present-Tense Narration,” International Conference for Doctoral Students in the Humanities “(Un-)Gleichzeitigkeit / (Non‑)Contemporaneity,” University of Wuppertal, 26-29 September 2017.
- “Time, Cognition and the Present Tense: Naturalizing Tense Usage in Present-Tense Narration,” Preconference Doctoral Seminar “Cognitive Narratology Today” of the 5th European Narratology Network Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11-12 September 2017.
- “Naturalizing the Present: Comprehending Tense Usage in the Present-Tense Novel,” 7th Graduate Forum ‘Narratology’ on “Formen narrativer Sinnstiftung: Möglichkeiten fiktionaler und faktualer Narrative,” University of Wuppertal, 9-10 December 2016.
- “Feigning Simultaneity: Uses of Present-Tense Narration in Nadeem Aslams Maps for Lost Lovers,” International Conference on the Study of Narrative, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2016.
- “Towards a New Narrative Aesthetics? Uses of Present-Tense Narration in the Contemporary Anglophone Novel,” 6th Graduate Forum ‘Narratology’ on “Quo vadis, Narratologia? Perspektiven und Grenzen erzähltheoretischer Ansätze,” University of Wuppertal, 25-26 September 2015.
- “Narrating the Here and Now: Forms and Functions of Present-Tense Narration in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction,” Summer Course in Narrative Studies 2015, Sønderborg, Denmark, 8-14 August 2015.
- “‘Frozen in the headlights of the 21st century’: Intermedial References in Spaced,” 5th Graduate Forum ‘Narratology’ on the topic of “Pop Narratology: Social, Historical and Political Aspects of Pop Cultural Narratives,” University of Wuppertal, 19-21 June 2014.
Organization of Academic Events (Selection)
- with Simona Adinolfi and Marco Caracciolo: Workshop on “Narratives of Mobility in the Anthropocene,” Ghent University, Belgium, 2-3 May 2023.
- with Alexander Koch, Nicole Ludwig, Benjamin Schäfer, and Jan Wohland: Summer Meeting of the Young ZiF on the topic of “Climate Change,” Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, 8.-9 July 2022.
- with Lea Espinoza Garrido and Julia Wewior: International Online Symposium “Agency, Community, Kinship – Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood,” University of Wuppertal, 23-24 February 2022.
- with Roy Sommer and Monika Kieslich: 2nd Speed-Up Meeting of the Horizon 2020 project “Crises as OPPORTUNITIES: Towards a Level Telling Field on Migration and a New Narrative of Successful Integration” on the topic of “Creating a Level Telling Field,” Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 14-15 September 2021.
- with Roy Sommer, Monika Kieslich, Michel Debruyne, and Sofie Put: Kick Off-Event of the Horizon 2020 project “Crises as OPPORTUNITIES: Towards a Level Telling Field on Migration and a New Narrative of Successful Integration,” online conference, 2-3 March 2021.
- with Eva Kerski and Pia Martin: 7th Graduate Forum ‘Narratologie’ on “Formen narrativer Sinnstiftung: Möglichkeiten fiktionaler und faktualer Narrative”, University of Wuppertal, 9.-10 December 2016.
Teaching (Selection)
Summer term 2024:
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature” (2x)
- Seminar “Representations of Migration in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction”
Winter term 2023/24:
- Seminar “Critical Theory – Case Studies: Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness”
Winter term 2022/23:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies”
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature”
- Cultural and Media Studies Seminar “Mobility and British Culture in the Age of Modern Globalization”
- Literary Studies Seminar “Victorian Gothic Fiction”
Summer term 2022:
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature” (2x)
- Seminar “Critical Theory – Case Studies: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”
Winter term 2021/22:
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature”
Summer term 2021:
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature”
Winter term 2020/21:
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature”
- Cultural and Media Studies Seminar “Introduction to Cultural Studies”
Summer term 2020:
- Literary History Seminar “Grundlagenseminar Teil A – British Literature” (2x)
Winter term 2019/20:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies”
Winter term 2018/19:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies” (2x)
Summer term 2018:
- Literary Studies Seminar “Dreading the Future: Dystopian Elements in Margaret Atwood’s Speculative Fiction”
Winter term 2017/18:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies”
Summer term 2017:
- Literary Studies Seminar “The Impact of the Present: Present-Tense Narration in Contemporary Narrative Fiction”
Winter term 2016/17:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies”
Summer term 2016:
- Cultural and Media Studies Seminar: “From Novel to Film: Adapting Narrative Fiction for the Movies”
Winter term 2015/16:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies”
Summer term 2015:
- Cultural and Media Studies Seminar: “The ‘Metareferential Turn’ in (Tele-)Visual Media”
Winter term 2014/15:
- Seminar “Introduction to Literary Studies” (2x)