M.A. Lea Espinoza Garrido
No. 03, Level O.07 / Postfach Nr. 03, Ebene O.07
Office Hours Winter Term 2023-2024
Online via Zoom. Please register via Moodle or make an appointment via e-mail.
Current Activities:
- Associated Member of the Graduate School “Practices of Literature” (University of Münster)
- Co-chair Narrative Research Group (AG “Erzählforschung”) + member of the Advisory Board at the Center for Narrative Research (Zentrum für Erzählforschung/ZEF)
- Postgraduate Representative + member of the Advisory Board German Association for American Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien/ DGfA)
- Research Group: More-than-Human Studies
- Research Group: Doing Trust in the Age of Crises and Catastrophes and AG Doing Trust
- BildungsRaum “Flucht-Gewalt-Geschlecht”
- Reading Circle “Gender + Health” (next date: November 22, 2023: “Health, Gender, and the Climate Crisis”)
- Upcoming talk: “Domesticity, Disaffection, and the Double Graphics of the War on Terror,” November 28, 2023, University of Freiburg.
Edited Volumes, Monographs, and Special Issues
- Mobility, Agency, Kinship: Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood (edited with Carolin Gebauer and Julia Wewior). [forthcoming with Palgrave, “Palgrave Studies in Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference”, early 2024]
- Rammsteins “Deutschland”: Pop – Politik – Provokation. Metzler, 2022 (with Moritz Baßler, Christoph Jürgensen, Kerstin Wilhelms et al.).
- Migrant States of Exception II, special issue of Parallax, vol. 27, no. 3 (edited with Sylvia Mieszkowski and Birgit Spengler).
- Life Writing in the Posthuman Anthropocene. Palgrave, “Palgrave Studies in Life Writing”, 2021 (edited with Ina Batzke and Linda M. Hess).
- Book Review by Raphael Albuquerque de Boer.
- Book Review by João Pedro Martinez Pinheiro.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “Affect and the (Un)Doing of Trust in 20th and 21st Century Black and Asian American Fiction and Nonfiction.” [accepted for publication in KWZ: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 2023/2024]
- “Stadt, Raum, Erinnerung: Transnationale archivarische Praktiken in Babylon Berlin.” Babylon Berlin und die filmische (Re-)Modellierung der 1920-er Jahre, edited by Andreas Blöhdorn and Stephan Brössel. Rombach. [forthcoming early 2024 (with Felipe Espinoza Garrido)]
- “Transformations of the National – Rammstein’s “Deutschland” as a Provocation of German History.” Transformational POP. Transitions, Breaks, and Crises in Popular Music (Studies) (~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series 2), edited by Beate Flath, Christoph Jacke and Manuel Troike, 2022 (with Jan Herbst, Christoph Jürgensen, Immanuel Nover et al.).
- “Migrant Lives in a State of Exception: Sovereignty, Mobility and Agency in a Globalized World.” Migrant States of Exception II, special issue of Parallax, vol. 27, no. 3, 2022, pp. 241–249 (with Sylvia Mieszkowski, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior).
- “Porous Borders, Porous Bodies – Citizenship, Gender and States of Exception in Laila Halaby’s Once in a Promised Land.” Parallax, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 176–197.
- “Introduction: Migrant Lives in a State of Exception (Part I).” Migrant States of Exception I, special issue of Parallax, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 115–158 (with Sylvia Mieszkowski, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior).
- “Introduction: Life Writing in the Posthuman Anthropocene.” In Life Writing in the Posthuman Anthropocene, edited by Ina Batzke, Lea Espinoza Garrido, and Linda Hess. Palgrave, “Palgrave Studies in Life Writing series” 2021, pp. 1–19 (with Ina Batzke and Linda M. Hess).
- “Beyoncé.” These Girls: Ein Streifzug durch die feministische Musikgeschichte, edited by Juliane Streich. Ventil, 2019.
- “Luke Cage as Postpost-9/11 TV: Spatial Negotiations of Race in Contemporary U.S. Television.” COPAS vol. 19, no. 1, 2018.
Reviews and Interviews
- “Review of: Passing and Posing between Black and White: Calibrating the Color Line in U.S. Cinema, by Lisa Gotto.” [forthcoming in American Studies: Amerikastudien vol. 68, no. 4, 2023]
- “Documentary Filmmaking and the Representation of Migrant Lives: An Interview with Yehuda Sharim.” Migrant States of Exception II, special issue of Parallax, vol. 27, no. 3, 2022, pp. 267–281 (with Sylvia Mieszkowski, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior).
- “Review of: Not Your Average Zombie: Rehumanizing the Undead from Voodoo to Zombie Walks, by Chera Kee.” Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, no. 22, 2021, pp. 109–113.
- “Migration Emergencies in the European Postcolony: An Interview with Thomas Spijkerboer.” Migrant States of Exception I, special issue of Parallax, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 223–239 (with Sylvia Mieszkowski, Birgit Spengler, and Julia Wewior).
Editorial Work
- Textpraxis: Digitales Journal for Philology, vol. 21 (1.2023).
- Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology, vol. 20 (2.2022).
- Digital Methods in Literary Studies, Jan Horstman and Frank Fischer (guest editors), special issue # 6, Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology, vol. 19 (1.2022).
- Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology, vol. 18 (2.2020).
- Hybridität und Verfahrenstechnik in der Fantastik, Tobias Lambrecht and Ralph Müller (guest editors), special issue # 4 of Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology (1.2020).
- Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology vol. 17 (2.2019).
- Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology vol. 16 (1.2019).
- Autor und Werk. Wechselwirkungen und Perspektiven, Svetlana Efimova (guest editor), special issue # 3 of Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology (2.2018).
- Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology vol. 15 (1.2018).
- Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology vol. 14 (3.2017).
- Narrative and Discursive (Trans)Formations Beyond the War on Terror (PhD project)
- U.S. American Literature as a Literature of (Un)Doing Trust
- Narrating the Climate Crisis: Children’s Literature and/in the Anthropocene
TALKS (Selection)
- 09/2023 Memory, Space, and the Agency of Matter in (Contemporary) Zombie Narratives. “Dead Or Alive: The Current State of Zombie Studies,” Frankfurt.
- 06/2023: Transmedia Practices and Political Meaning-Making in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Freiburg.
- 06/2023: Televisionary Club: The Marvel TV Universe (with Sarah Wagner, René Freudenthal, and Sabine Pawletta). Carl-Schurz-Haus / Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut e.V., Freiburg.
- 06/2023: Unsettling Art, Land, and Property: (Post)Human Entanglements in Rita Indiana’s Tentacle. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Rostock.
- 05/2023: Transcending Conquistador Humanism: More-than-Human Entanglements in
Contemporary Caribbean Fiction. Symposium “More-than-Human Studies,” Karlstad.
- 10/2022: Coexistence, Cooperation, Composition: Reflections on More-than-Human Art. Workshop “More-than-Human Studies,” Online/Karlstad/Göttingen/Wuppertal.
- 07/2022: Keynote Lecture: Post-9/11 Politics of Memory and Politics of Forgetting in Colson Whitehead’s Zone One. Workshop “Cultural Memory and Literature: Research in Dialogue,” Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
- 07/2022: Through the Eyes of the White, Innocent Child – Communicating Risk, Vulnerability and (Environmental) Crisis in Lauren Tarshis’ I Survived Series. Conference “Natural Catastrophes in the United States: Making Sense of Risk and Vulnerabilities,” Heidelberg.
- 06/2022: Relational Responsibility/Responsible Relationality in a More-than-Human World. Symposium: “Articulations of the Nonhuman Turn in Theory, Literature, and the Arts,” Göttingen.
- 06/2022: Towards a Postpost-9/11 Mode? Narrative and Discursive (Trans)Formation Beyond the War on Terror. Düsseldorf.
- 05/2022: Negotiating Social and Environmental Justice in U.S. American Pop Music. Seminar “Environmental Justice,” Potsdam.
- 05/2022: More-than-Human Representations in Contemporary North American Film and Television. Lecture Series “Critical Futures: The Humanities in a More-than-Human World,” Wuppertal.
- 04/2022: Desert Power, Desert Thinking – New Epistemologies of the Wasteland in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune (2021). European Association of American Studies (EAAS), Madrid.
- 03/2022: Posthuman Anxieties in Contemporary American Pop Culture: Re-Visiting Altered Carbon’s Gothic Mode(s). Workshop “More-than-Human Studies,” Göttingen/Wuppertal/Karlstad.
- 02/2022: Affect, (Non)Belonging, and Crisis: American Literature as a Literature of (Dis)Trust?. Workshop “Trust, Crisis, Catastrophe,” Wuppertal.
- 12/2021: Agency, Voice, and Silence in the Anthropocene – Navigating the Challenges of Posthumanism, Postcolonialism, and the Climate Crisis in Contemporary Life Writing. Symposium “Silence – Catastrophe – Crisis,” Münster.
- 11/2021: Roundtable: The Migrants That (Still) Don’t Matter. Lecture Series “Talks with Taste,” Wuppertal.
- 05/2021: Disruptions of/in Queer Life Writing – Fragmentation, Materiality, and the Body in Laura Jane Grace’s Work. Workshop, “Narrated Lives, Remembered Selves,” Regensburg.
- 03/2020: Race and Gender in Rammstein’s “Deutschland”. Workshop “The Sound of Germany II – Rammstein’s “Deutschland,” Münster.
- 11/2019: Porous Borders, Porous Bodies – Negotiating Citizenship, Gender and States of Exception in Laila Halaby’s Once in a Promised Land. Symposium “Migrant States of Exception,” Wuppertal.
- 09/2019: Deconstructing the American Risk Society –Unreliable Narration and Knowledge Production in Showtime’s Homeland. Conference “Current Trajectories in Narrative Research,” Wuppertal.
- 07/2019: The Gothic Imagination in 21st Century Sci-Fi TV. Seminar “The American Gothic,” Augsburg.
- 06/2019: Posthuman Dystopian Fictions. Narrative Research Group, Center for Narrative Research, Wuppertal.
- 06/2019: Transmediality, Commodification, and Diversity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Lecture “North American Popular Cultures,” Wuppertal.
- 06/2019: Meditations on Authorship: Narrative Opacity in Sherley Anne Williams’ Neo-Slave Narrative. Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Narrative, Pamplona [cancelled due to illnesss].
- 03/2019: US American Pop Music and the Legacy of Slavery, Conference “The Sound of Germany – Wie politisch ist der Pop?,” Münster.
- 11/2018: (Post)Memory, Trauma, and the City in Contemporary Zombie Narratives. Hotspots Lecture Series, Münster.
- 06/2018: Beyond the War on Terror: Marvel’s Postpost-9/11 Television. Poster presentation, Graduate School “Practices of Literature,” Münster.
- 03/2018: Feminist Challenges to Post-9/11 Nationalism in Dan Trachtenberg’s 10 Cloverfield Lane. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA), Indianapolis.
- Workshop: Vertrauen, Krise/Katastrophe, Erzählen (07/2022)
- Symposium: Agency, Community, Kinship – Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood (02/2022)
- Workshops: Trust – Catastrophe – Crisis (02/2022)
- Workshop: Ecocriticism (02/2020)
- Symposium: Migrant States of Exception (11/2019)
- Conference: Current Trajectories in Narrative Research (09/2019)
- Lecture Series: Why Literary Studies Matter Now: Academic Practices in an Anti-Intellectual Climate (2018/19)
- Symposium: Beyond Endings: Past Tenses and Future Imaginaries (2018)
- Conference: Pop Hero and Action Princess: Gender and Popular Culture (2018)
TEACHING (Selection)
- (Trans)Formations in North American Literature and Culture | University of Wuppertal
- Narrating the Climate Crisis – Empathy, Responsibility, (Dis)Trust | University of Wuppertal
- Introduction to Literary Studies | University of Wuppertal
- Zombie Narratives | University of Münster
- Complex TV | University of Münster
- Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistics | University of Münster
- The African American Literary Tradition | University of Wuppertal
- Madness in American Fiction | University of Münster
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II | University of Münster
- Gender in Horror Movies | University of Münster
- Communicating Texts and Theories: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter | University of Münster
- Academic Skills | University of Münster
- Communicating Texts and Theories: Slavery on Page and Screen | University of Münster
- Race and Gender in Contemporary American Film and Fiction | University of Münster